As a student (Personal Training certification through Trifocus) I am not only learning some new approaches to health and wellness, but also revisiting some old favourite topics such as anatomy, biomechanics of movement and structure of being a personal trainer.
I'd like to share the principles of wellness, as per the manual, for the concise manner in which the concept of this subject is harnessed.
It preludes that the basic principles of wellness, stems from the outcomes of the study of dis-ease. It also suggests that these principles are characteristic of individuals who show a predominance to a positive outcome against diseases.
Wellness is Holistic
We are advised to consider approaching health from a body, mind and spirit perspective, rather than focusing on the symptoms of disease(s).
YOU are Your Own True Healer
Health professionals are there to support and facilitate the healing process while you YOURSELF do the healing of body, mind and spirit.
Wellness is YOUR Responsibility
Each illness is a lesson, and your onus is to determine that blessing. Become aware of what your body is trying to tell you, and listen, and ask it what it needs from you, to get better, and listen, by taking corrective/the right actions towards wellness.
Positivity is Empowerment
A negative attitude or mindset sets you up for failure because it strips you of your power and control.
Whereas, a positive mind set or way of thinking empowers you with solutions and answers, and provides you with more control to find a means to resolving illness or problems.
All things are composed of equal amounts of positive and negative aspects
There is always a lesson and a blessing. Your task is to find the gift in adversity and respond accordingly, as below.
Wellness is an Active Process
It is never a good time and there will never be a better time than now.
In order to achieve good health and wellness, you are required to be actively involved.
Use your support system and find mentors to learn from and guide you.
Not only will you improve your physical health but you will also increase your health knowledge base, from which to make better choices.
Wellness is OUT-COME Orientated
One can become trapped by just focusing on problems.
By focusing on solutions, we find the answers we seek to our problems.
Use your energy towards constructing an action plan rather than getting lost in the destruction of negative energetic focus points.
Prevention is Better than Cure
By improving and maintaining health and wellness we eliminate the expense of medical treatments.
Be-ing healthy costs less in terms of time, money and energy.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure