Since we are exploring the world of plant medicines, particularly the psychedelic kind, of recent times, as a therapeutic tool for mental (physical, emotional, and spiritual) health science.
Institutes and research facilities are literally mushrooming everywhere, and puns are fun when it comes to this plant, that is more human than plant-like.
Public interest is gaining momentum, and this is, thankfully, perpetuated by the media. This is evident through the various shows on Netflix (I highly recommend How to change your mind hosted by Michael Pollan) and articles in popular publications.
Below is a list of links to interesting articles addressing the birth of 'micro-dosing' and some ethnobotany history to the marvelous magical mushroom and it's healing psilocin compound.
Biologically, physiologically, chemically, and just basic science, says that stress causes major health issues, especially when chronic and/or long term. Stress directly impacts your inner workings in a hazardous manner, leading to dis-eases of many forms, for for example (I hear you insist on this);
raised blood pressure,
increased cholesterol to heal the rents & dents from the demands of the former,
more muscular tension leading to increased risk for injury and musculoskeletal discomfort,
neuromuscular tension leading to headaches from clenching jaw, hunched shoulders etc.,
reduced immune system from the continuous onslaught of cortisol and adrenaline, released as a primal stress hormones,
feeling wired and tired due to the hormones mentioned above, which are very stimulating and interfere with natural circadian rhythms and the release of melatonin for sleep,
erratic glucose levels and related insulin related issues such as weight gain, stubborn weight loss, cravings etc.,
inflammation that will affect us in our most vulnerable systems, for some it will be respiratory (asthma), others will experience digestive issues (irritable bowel), and others yet, will have skin or nervous system displays of irritation.
And the gambut of many other expressions of stress upon the body, in real time.
Magic mushrooms and the contained healing earth (possibly manna, and even possibly alien) element (medicine) is able to calm your nervous system down, at brain level, through the same stress pathways, allowing your whole being to transcend operating as a primal being.
The benefits of these effects allow your physical vehicle to escape perceived stressors, and rise above triggers, allowing the body a brief respite from the corrosive nature of stress on our body systems.
It also allows the mind to connect to something that seems to be 'all that is' and can be considered an intense form of meditation and active contemplation.
When we are calm and experience pleasure, this has a direct positive impact on our emotions, which in turn, is healing for the body. Furthermore, the influence of this medicine, allows that which sits below the surface (sub and un-conscious states) to rise and addressed in a therapeutic way.
On a spiritual level, it seems to provide a state of connectedness, self transcendence, self awareness in context of the universal concept and a deeper understanding of our secret natures of forgotten experiences (good and bad).
Personally, this medicine has saved my life.
There was a time 4 years ago where I experienced a state of mental & emotional suffering to the degree where life seemed impossible to continue living.
My healing journey has been greatly aided by this magical 'flesh of the Gods', and although not a regular user, it is something I would choose to turn to again and again, as needed.
Plant medicines have an energy that are able to, in essence and otherwise, heal in a bio-harmonious means in the body. It feels like plants always seem to 'know' exactly what and where they need to do work. And very simply, plants are able to give us most of the nourishment we need at compound level, magnesium, calcium, anti-oxidants, vitamins and fuel to function.
There is more value to be gained from curiosity and the willingness to explore the unfamiliar, than there is in simply denying and negating this matter, out of fear.
Please keep an open mind and allow the following materials to convince you of the wonderful healing resource offered by these psychedelic elements.
Reading list:
I am happy to talk about this subject, for those who wish to discuss it further.